I know what you're thinking.
"Big Johnson's? Are you serious?"
Yes. Yes I am.
Okay, growing up in Tuttle, I've frequented I-44 for the past 25 years
(it's the only way to get to the city!), and right before you reach OKC
coming from Tuttle sits this gas station. It's a Shell (used to be
Texaco back in the day), and there are always no fewer then 8 semis
parked there. Not getting gas or anything. Eating (okay, and maybe
sleeping). The sign by the station (which is quite a bit larger than
the Shell signs themselves) tells us that Big Johnson's Highway Grill is
"Home of the Trucker Burger" and comes complete with a fake picture of a
hand wrapped around an enormous cheeseburger for my viewing pleasure.
I have honestly never thought much about this gas station/truck stop.
For reasons I can't really describe, it seems slightly skeezy. I can't
put my finger on it - it's just one of those feelings you get. However,
that changed last night.
Since Carl and I have been a couple, he mentions every time we pass by
that we've gotta try that place sometime. Everytime. No joke.
So last night I gave in and we decided to give it a try.....
And may I just say that this is a very rare occurrence: I was wrong.
(Haha, just kidding. I am wrong on numerous occasions. And here it is
in writing!)
It's not skeezy. In fact, it's quite good!
Of course Carl got the trucker burger. That thing's a beast. And the
meat is really thick. They should call it the Holy Cow It's a Monster!"
Burger. He ate every bite and declared it's defeated goodness.
I went a little simpler and had a grilled cheese sandwich, fries, and a
diet coke. The little kid in me loved it. So did the 25 year old big
kid that I am now!
We'll certainly be back. Good thing we've got family and friends in
Tuttle that give us the excuse to stop by the Highway Grill.
As if we really need an excuse though, right? :)